
Friday, June 29, 2007


okay okay. picture time!

this is coffeebean at expo where its so far away from the bloody mrt station. and i got lost.

nurul and i. she was the photographer for the day.

me in all my glory.
and if you can't see the picture.
please click on it or something.
and you'll see how good my cappucinos are.
and i still dont know how to spell it until now.

pamela with my drink.
my drink was the only one being taken so many times.
i know they love it.
and i know my ego is getting huge.

i'm still happy. and i'm still smiling. because even though i didn't get in. i did good.

i'd like to say thank you again!
for all the people who supported me.
now i sound like i jsut won the grammys.
but that will be soon la.
like a few more years down the road.

let me post my favourite picture of the month okay?



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